There are thousands of different options available on our website and options to select the right deer fence for your project. Our job here is to narrow down the type of fence that is the best match.
Please scroll down to learn about our fence kits and find more information on deer fencing:
- Overlap - choose a fence kit with overlap if you have uneven terrain or you are concerned about animals going up and under your fence. This is a key difference between a fence to keep animals in or out and conventional fencing on the market (like chain link or aluminum).
- Fence Kits With Rodent Barrier - these are our most popular configurations because of the flexibility it gives you with two layers of fencing. The purpose of the two separate layers is the types of animals you want to keep in or out - for example, you may want a fence to keep out deer - but - also keep out venomous snakes. In this case, you likely would choose a two inch opening fence mesh (poly or metal - can be both) paired with a 1/4x1/4 inch metal base that is 3ft tall. This also applies to rabbits (1x1 is typical - rabbits can pass through 2x2 but not 1x1). These fences tend to be the least visible also (for example - consider how the above fence would look in all 1/4x1/4 up and down, very visible compared to 2x2 on top and 1/4x1/4 on the very bottom only - also, 1/4x1/4 isn't needed up top you don't need that small of an opening size to keep deer out).
- Fence Kits Without Rodent Barrier Or Overlap - these are best for seasonally removable fences and also the easiest to install